Rev Jay Abernathy

21st Century Church

In this dialog, Jay and Nelson will share their insights into what the 21st-century church should be like to meet the spiritual and religious yearnings of 21st-century people.

Community and Identity

Our personal identities are formed, in part, from our interaction with other persons, some random, some carefully planned. Communities are one form of social connection where humans have found support, encouragement, inspiration, comfort, and wisdom. Today, though, communities have lost most of their traditional roles and the support those roles provided. Establishing religious communities is … Continued

The Good News of Reason and Freedom

Our Unitarian heritage does not begin in America but much earlier than Christianity in Greece. However, in America Unitarianism grew from its Pilgrim beginnings to a fully independent religious movement, gradually moving away from Christianity to a truly modern expression of religion free of creed and authority. It turned out that “the old-time religion” was … Continued